6. Framework & Features

The Sustainability Games framework designed to enable green skills

The preceding 5 chapters of this whitepaper are grounded in 15 years of both qualitative and quantitative research and anthropological fieldwork. These 15 years are culminating in The Sustainability Games (TSG) framework, a codebased framework that enables organisational adoption of sustainable development. It features a competency framework, SDG measurement, a knowledge database, representation of organisational culture and storytelling. All this content power is released through gameplay and subsequently the aggregation of play data.

Gamified Benchmark to measure capabilities

The Sustainability Games essentially gives you insight in where you are related to the 17 SDG's, both individually and collectively. The 5 phases of growth (see image) reflect the available capabilities to realise sustainable impact. This five phase model has also been used in the Auditing Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education (AISHE) in which it has proven to be usefull to measure sustainable development.

The Sustainability Games transformed the five phase model into a gamified benchmark in analogy of natural growth. To meaure a position on the benchmark TSG harnessed the underlying UNECE Competency Matrix for Sustainable Development*


Competency blocks based on the UNECE Competency Matrix for Sustainable Development

The UNECE matrix combines the following competency aspect on one axis: awareness, knowledge, skills, values, cooperation - with temporal aspects: past, present and future on the other axis. The Sustainability Games framework developed configurable competency blocks based on this matrix. Within these block one is able to choose between a wide selection of interaction types to create e-learning content.

Toolbox table

NOTE: Interaction Types are touchscreen friendly as swipe, drag, tap, drop, grap, zoom and type are the ways to answer questions, give your opinion, record activity and realise sustainable impact.

E-learning content and Measuring SDGs

Within the competency blocks e-learning content is created in rounds. A round is composed of introductory content (like video), explanatory content, quests or questions and feedback. Each question can be labeled to one or more SDGs. This way all the answers that a player gives can be related to awareness, knowledge, skills and values concerning the SDGs.

This way The Sustainability Games not only provides a Gamified Benchmark to visualise the capability to realise SDG related impact, it also provides SDG scorecards from individual to organisational levels.

5 minute games, weekly programs and yearly performance measurement

So games are made of blocks and blocks made up of rounds. This way you can create games with only 1 question or games consisting of several blocks, many rounds and unlimited questions.

Another great feature to engage and educate a workforce is the challenge builder. This way you can connect several games into a program of several weeks or even a year. Starting The Sustainability Games with a baseline measurement helps to measure progress and develop the rights games and programs.

Standard templates for games and programs are:

  • Inspirators - Awareness and insights in 5 - 15 minute games
  • Boosters and Super Boosters - Awareness, Knowledge and Practice in multi-day challenge
  • Educators - Awareness, Knowledge, Skills, Values and Practice in multi-week programs
  • Activators - An Impact Battle to safe as much energy, materials and water in a week
  • Escaperoom - Connected and dependent games to solve a problem (alert: untested concept)

Modes of play

The framework offers Single play, Team play and Live play. The Tac-Tic-Talk mode of play stimulates the highest level of group interaction, where each question has a direct feedback moment and offers the option of team battles.

Other features

Off-the-shelf Minigames
Easy Game Creator
Central Question Database
Custom Game Designer
Data Dashboards
Organisational Heatmaps
Platform Community
Platform Notifications
Social Media Sharing